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AXIS Companion website

Achieved goal: supporting Axis' small business offering with the launch of (prototype). It helped to increase sales and led to an inflow of new business partners.

My role: UX Designer, in charge of mapping the needs of the target audience groups, formulate customer journeys and determine the information architecture. I began by conducting market research, followed by an exploration of different creative expressions.
After making the initial hi-fi prototypes, I iterated on my sketches incorporating feedback from stakeholders and front-end developers. We worked closely together to achieve the right language, look and feel.

An example of a lo-fi customer journey

An example of early, lo-fi mapping
I started off with pen and paper. It helped in getting an overview of internal processes and also when imagining how it would be experienced by the user.

Background and finale

AXIS Companion is a fully integrated, end-to-end basic video surveillance solution tailored to meet the specific requirements of small business.

The mission of the project was to create awareness and drive sales. The goal of increasing turnover from 5% to 20% was achieved.

Who are the target groups?
What are their goals, needs, and motivations? We used persona stories, to clarify it to ourselves.

However, a strategic decision was later made to reintegrate AXIS Companion with the broader Axis enterprise offering, resulting in the discontinuation of the product line. Currently, information about the solution is found at

My sketches of the standalone website: (prototype)

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